Wednesday, May 27, 2009

After touring the Royal Pavilion, I had just enough time to take a quick stroll to the beach. Brighton Pier is very carnival-like, and seems very similar to the Santa Monica Pier in California. It was very cold and windy today, but that didn't stop me from getting as close to the water as possible. :) I did resist the urge to dip my feet in though! :( Maybe I'll get a chance to do that when I hunt for fossils on the beach at Lyme Regis the first weekend in June!

Here was the beach with my shoes in it for scale! Of course I snagged some beautiful, rounded rocks and shells to bring home as personal souvenirs. I wished I had more time to hunt for treasures!

The woman who took my picture assured me there was sand, but the tide was high at the time. I was in a hurry to get home after my lecture, so I didn't go back to check.

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