Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Today is my last day in Ireland! So, I decided to take what was left of the day, in between classes, to actually tour Dublin!

Please notice the street lamp! I loved all the various combinations of shamrocks and scroll work found on these lamp posts.

This is the president's house in Phoenix Park!

And another variation of the street lamp...can you spot the shamrock on this one? There are some variations of these that are put together, so they look like little shamrock covered hearts...how cute!

HOLY SHOPPING! I think that's the one thing that has surprised me most in all of my journeys so far...there are shopping areas EVERYWHERE! I was especially surprised to see that in Bath earlier this month.
I was having glimpses of home with this one!

This is the front of Trinity College where we saw the Book of Kells. Unfortunately we weren't able to take photographs of the exhibit. www.bookofkells.com

And every time I passed this store, flashbacks of South Park come to mind!

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