Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Today our class assignment was to tour the Guinness factory, and YES we will be tested on that! LOL We seriously will be tested on the history of Guinness...the taste testing was optional though!

I didn't know this until the bus ride back to the college, but the interior structure here is in the shape of a giant pint of Guinness.

99 bottles of beer on the wall...99 bottles of beer... I loved seeing the collections of old bottles and labels.

And what a clever picture! :)

If you look carefully, you may see the shamrock impression left on the foam, made by the very skilled draught pourer. :) He was taking requests too!

(Matt, Mallory, Chelsey and Me)

Eileen this one is TOTALLY for you! I tried so hard to finish it, but was only able to drink it to the bottom of the Guinness label. Do I make you proud?


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